=============== GenerationStage =============== Types ===== Different types of ``GenerationStage`` provide different behaviours and may have additional parameters for configuring that behavior. The type is specified by setting the :bdg-primary:`type` parameter to the name of the type. If the same name is used by two different addons, you can prefix the name with ``ADDON_NAME:`` to specify which one to use. A list of available types for ``GenerationStage`` are listed below: --------- FEATURE ------- :superscript:`*Type requires the 'generation-stage-feature' addon to use` .. _object-generationstage-template-generation-stage-feature-feature-parameter-id: :bdg-ref-primary:`id ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` .. _object-generationstage-template-generation-stage-feature-feature-parameter-resolution: :bdg-ref-success:`resolution ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` Default: ``4`` Uses ==== This object is used in one place: - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-primary:`stages ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/List`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/GenerationStage`\> - A list of generation stages.