======= Integer ======= An integer / whole number. See :doc:`/config/development/config-data` Uses ==== Used by 45 parameters: - :ref:`In WHITE_NOISE in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-success:`blend.terrain.elevation ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In RANDOM in Locator `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-success:`carving.resolution.vertical ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In base in SCATTERED_ORE `: :bdg-ref-success:`size ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In GAUSSIAN in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In BITMAP in Image `: :bdg-ref-primary:`rows ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In BITMAP in Image `: :bdg-ref-primary:`columns ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In RIDGED in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`octaves ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In STITCHED_BITMAP in Image `: :bdg-ref-primary:`columns ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - How many columns of images to stitch together. - :ref:`In PERLIN in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In map in Range `: :bdg-ref-primary:`min ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - The minimum value (inclusive) of the range. - :ref:`In base in BIOME `: :bdg-ref-success:`slant-depth ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In EXTRUSION in BiomeProvider `: :bdg-ref-success:`resolution ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In PADDED_GRID in Distributor `: :bdg-ref-primary:`padding ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In NORMAL in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`groups ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In GABOR in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In STITCHED_BITMAP in Image `: :bdg-ref-primary:`rows ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - How many rows of images to stitch together. - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-success:`images.cache.timeout ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - How many seconds to keep images loaded in the image cache for. - :ref:`In IMAGE in BiomeProvider `: :bdg-ref-success:`resolution ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In PADDED_GRID in Distributor `: :bdg-ref-primary:`width ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In POSTERIZATION in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-primary:`steps ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In DISTANCE_TRANSFORM in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`threshold ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In VALUE in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In POSITIVE_WHITE_NOISE in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In OPEN_SIMPLEX_2 in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In FBM in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`octaves ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In CELLULAR in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In base in BIOME `: :bdg-ref-primary:`palette ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/List`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Palette`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer`\>> - :ref:`In TRANSLATE in ColorSampler `: :bdg-ref-primary:`x ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In base in BIOME `: :bdg-ref-success:`ocean.level ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In PING_PONG in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`octaves ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In FEATURE in GenerationStage `: :bdg-ref-success:`resolution ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In GAUSSIAN_RANDOM in Locator `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In base in BIOME `: :bdg-ref-primary:`color ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In PIPELINE in BiomeProvider `: :bdg-ref-success:`resolution ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - A performance parameter that determines the size of each biome 'pixel' in blocks. - :ref:`In base in BIOME `: :bdg-ref-success:`terrain.blend.distance ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In PADDED_GRID in Distributor `: :bdg-ref-primary:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-success:`carving.resolution.horizontal ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In OPEN_SIMPLEX_2S in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In map in Range `: :bdg-ref-primary:`max ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - The maximum value (exclusive) of the range. - :ref:`In base in BIOME `: :bdg-ref-success:`terrain.blend.step ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - :ref:`In SIMPLEX in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In VALUE_CUBIC in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`salt ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer` - Determines the :ref:`seed ` for the sampler. - :ref:`In TRANSLATE in ColorSampler `: :bdg-ref-primary:`z ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Integer`