====== String ====== A string / sequence of characters. See :doc:`/config/development/config-data` Uses ==== Used by 25 parameters: - :ref:`In CELLULAR in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`distance ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - The method used for calculating the distance from the cell origin. - :ref:`In FEATURE in GenerationStage `: :bdg-ref-primary:`id ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-success:`samplers ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/DimensionApplicableSampler`\> - A set of samplers globally accessible within :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Expression`\s in ``EXPRESSION`` samplers defined inside other config files. - :ref:`In STITCHED_BITMAP in Image `: :bdg-ref-primary:`path ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - The format string for the path to the images relative to the config pack directory. (For Windows users: Use the ``/`` directory separator instead of ``\``) - :ref:`In IMAGE in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-primary:`image ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - Path to the image relative to the config pack directory. (For Windows users: Use the ``/`` directory separator instead of ``\``) - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-success:`functions ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/MathFunction`\> - A set of math functions globally accessible within :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Expression`\s in ``EXPRESSION`` samplers defined inside other config files. - :ref:`In base in PALETTE `: :bdg-ref-primary:`id ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - :ref:`In EXPRESSION in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`samplers ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/DimensionApplicableSampler`\> - Defines a mapping of function names to samplers. - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-primary:`id ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - The id used to identify the config pack. - :ref:`In IMAGE in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-primary:`channel ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - Which channel of the image to output. - :ref:`In EXPRESSION_NORMALIZER in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`variables ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Float`\> - An additional mapping of named constant variables that can be used by the ``expression``. - :ref:`In CELLULAR in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`return ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - The function the sampler will use to calculate the noise. - :ref:`In base in FEATURE `: :bdg-ref-primary:`id ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - :ref:`In base in ORE `: :bdg-ref-primary:`id ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - :ref:`In base in pack.yml `: :bdg-ref-success:`author ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - Who developed the config pack. - :ref:`In EXPRESSION_NORMALIZER in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`samplers ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/DimensionApplicableSampler`\> - An additional mappping of named noise samplers that can be used in the ``expression``. - :ref:`In BITMAP in Image `: :bdg-ref-primary:`path-format ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - Path to the image relative to the config pack directory. (For Windows users: Use the ``/`` directory separator instead of ``\``) - :ref:`In base in SCATTERED_ORE `: :bdg-ref-primary:`id ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - :ref:`In DISTANCE_TRANSFORM in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`cost-function ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - :ref:`In EXPRESSION_NORMALIZER in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`functions ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/MathFunction`\> - An additional mappping of named math functions that can be used in the ``expression``. - :ref:`In DISTANCE_TRANSFORM in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`normalization ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - :ref:`In EXPRESSION in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`variables ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Float`\> - :ref:`In DISTANCE in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`distance-function ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - The function used to calculate distance between sample positions and the configured point. - :ref:`In REPLACE in Extrusion `: :bdg-ref-primary:`from ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String` - :ref:`In EXPRESSION in NoiseSampler `: :bdg-ref-success:`functions ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Map`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/String`\, :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/MathFunction`\>