=== Tag === Tags are a way of identifying biomes, and are defined as strings. Tags are primarily used for biome distribution to group biomes together to be distributed in a certain way. For example, all biomes tagged with ``USE_DESERT_OASIS`` could be configured to randomly be replaced with a desert oasis biome by the :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/BiomeProvider`\. All biomes implicitly have the tag ``ALL``. This allows for every biome to be a target by specifying ``ALL``. All biomes also are implicitly tagged with their own id, meaning to reference a specific biome via tag, you simply use its id. Uses ==== Used by 7 parameters: - :ref:`In REPLACE in Stage `: :bdg-ref-primary:`from ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Tag` - Pipeline biomes containing this tag will be replaced. - :ref:`In base in BIOME `: :bdg-ref-primary:`tags ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Set`\<:doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Tag`\> - :ref:`In BORDER in Stage `: :bdg-ref-primary:`from ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Tag` - The tag bordering pipeline biomes must contain for a pipeline biome to be replaced. - :ref:`In REPLACE_LIST in Stage `: :bdg-ref-primary:`default-from ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Tag` - The default tag a pipeline biome must contain to be replaced. - :ref:`In BORDER_LIST in Stage `: :bdg-ref-primary:`from ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Tag` - The tag bordering pipeline biomes must contain for a pipeline biome to be replaced. - :ref:`In BORDER_LIST in Stage `: :bdg-ref-primary:`default-replace ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Tag` - The default tag a pipeline biome must contain in order to be replaced. - :ref:`In BORDER in Stage `: :bdg-ref-primary:`replace ` :doc:`/config/documentation/objects/Tag` - The tag a pipeline biome must contain in order to be replaced.