
See also


A sampler is a config defined function that provides a value when given a position and seed.

A ‘sample’ is defined as the value produced by a single calculation provided by a sampler. A collective set of samples is regarded as ‘noise’.

Noise produced by noise samplers determine some kind of behaviour for each block or column. This behaviour is dependent on the context of the sampler definition.


Different types of NoiseSampler provide different behaviours and may have additional parameters for configuring that behavior.

The type is specified by setting the type parameter to the name of the type. If the same name is used by two different addons, you can prefix the name with ADDON_NAME: to specify which one to use.

A list of available types for NoiseSampler are listed below:


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Returns the distance from a point.

distance-function String - The function used to calculate distance between sample positions and the configured point.

Default: Euclidean

Valid values:

  • Euclidean - Regular distance calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. See the Wikipedia page for more info.

  • EuclideanSq - Same as Euclidean but the result is squared. (This is included if exact distance is not needed, and is slightly faster than Euclidean as it avoids a slow sqrt call.)

  • Manhattan - See the Wikipedia page for more info.

normalize Boolean - If set to true, the returned distance will be normalized to be within the range [-1, 1], otherwise the raw distance is returned.

Default: false

-1 corresponds to the distance = 0, and 1 to distance = radius as configured by the radius parameter. Any distances above radius will clamped to 1.

point.x Float

Default: 0

point.y Float

Default: 0

Only relevant if the sampler is sampling in 3D.

point.z Float

Default: 0

radius Float - The radius from the configured point corresponding to an output of 1.

Default: 100

Only relevant if normalize is set to true.


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Produces White noise.


frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Identical to WHITE_NOISE, but redistributed to only produce positive values for convenience.

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Identical to WHITE_NOISE, but redistributed to follow a gaussian distribution.

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Produces Perlin noise.

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


It is recommended to use other simplex based samplers rather than PERLIN, as Perlin noise produces signficant directional artifacts, which may be undesired.


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Produces Simplex noise.

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Produces Simplex noise (using the algorithm from OpenSimplex2).


frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Produces smoother Simplex noise (using the algorithm from OpenSimplex2).

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Produces Value noise using linear interpolation (bilinear for 2D, trilinear for 3D).

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Identical to VALUE except using cubic interpolation (bicubic for 2D, tricubic for 3D).

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Produces Gabor noise.


The GABOR sampler is significantly slower at producing noise compared to other noise samplers.

deviation Float

Default: 1.0

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

frequency_0 Float

Default: 0.625

impulses Float

Default: 64.0

isotropic Boolean

Default: true

rotation Float

Default: 0.25

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Produces cellular / Worley noise.



  • Black dots - The center of each cell.

  • Red lines - A random direction and distance from the cell center, called ‘jitter’.

  • Blue dots - The cell origin, determined by jitter from the cell center.

  • Green dot - Coordinates being sampled.

  • Purple line - Distance to the closest cell origin.

  • Orange line - Distance to the second closest cell origin.

  • Gold line - Distance to the third closest cell origin.

distance String - The method used for calculating the distance from the cell origin.

Default: EuclideanSq

Distance Types

  • Euclidean

  • EuclideanSq

  • Manhattan

  • Hybrid

frequency Float - Controls the frequency of noise.

Default: 0.02

jitter Float - Determines how far cell origins can randomly spread out from the center of cells.

Default: 1

A jitter of 0 places cell origins exactly in the center of each cell, resulting in a perfect grid. Values between -1 and 1 are recommended, as values outside that range may produce artifacts.

lookup NoiseSampler - The lookup sampler used when the distance parameter is set to NoiseLookup

Default: `OPEN_SIMPLEX_2`_ sampler

return String - The function the sampler will use to calculate the noise.

Default: Distance

Return Types


s - The coordinates being sampled.

c - The coordinates of the nearest cell origin.

d1 - The distance from the nearest cell origin.

d2 - The distance from the second nearest cell origin

d3 - The distance from the third nearest cell origin


  • NoiseLookup - Passes c into a sampler, and returns the output.

  • CellValue - Returns a random value based on c (Equivalent to NoiseLookup with a WHITE_NOISE sampler).

  • LocalNoiseLookup - Passes s - c into a sampler, and returns the output.

  • Angle - Returns the angle from s to c.

  • Distance - Returns d1.

  • Distance2- Returns d2.

  • Distance2Add - Returns (d1 + d2) / 2.

  • Distance2Sub - Returns d2 - d1.

  • Distance2Mul - Returns (d1 * d2) / 2.

  • Distance2Div - Returns d1 / d2.

  • Distance3 - Returns d3.

  • Distance3Add - Returns (d1 + d3) / 2.

  • Distance3Sub - Returns d3 - d1.

  • Distance3Mul - Returns d3 * d1.

  • Distance3Div - Returns d1 / d3.

salt Integer - Determines the seed for the sampler.

Default: 0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Outputs the channel of an image that is tiled, redistributed from the channel range [0-255] to output range [-1, 1].

channel String - Which channel of the image to output.

Valid channels:



  • RED


  • BLUE

Channel Examples

Original Image




Alpha Channel*


Red Channel


Green Channel


Blue Channel


*The alpha channel is all white because there is no transparency in the original image.

frequency Float - Frequency of the image. Determines how the image gets scaled.

A frequency of 1.0 means 1 pixel = 1 block, a frequency of 2.0 means 2 pixels = 1 block.


Frequencies below 1.0 are not recommended, as pixels aren’t interpolated when upscaled; results may look pixelated depending on use.



1.0 Frequency


0.25 Frequency


0.25 frequency = 0.25 pixels = 1 block or 1 pixel = 4 blocks (as demonstrated above using a block grid).

image String - Path to the image relative to the config pack directory. (For Windows users: Use the / directory separator instead of \)

Example path: path/to/the/image.png

Example Image Samplers





World generated using the mountain heightmap to shape the terrain, and the circles to determine biome temperature:


Terrain Sampler (Using LINEAR_HEIGHTMAP to work as a terrain sampler)

base: 128
scale: 64
  type: IMAGE
  image: mountain_heightmap.png
  channel: GRAYSCALE
  frequency: 1

Temperature Sampler

type: IMAGE
image: grayscale_circles.png
channel: GRAYSCALE
frequency: 1


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Outputs a constant value, regardless of the inputs. Typically used in cases where you don’t want the sampler to do anything.

value Float - The value to be outputted.

Default: 0.0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Warps a sampler by another sampler. See Domain Warping for more information.

sampler NoiseSampler - The sampler to be warped.

warp NoiseSampler - The sampler that determines warping.

amplitude Float - How much warping to apply.

Default: 1.0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

kernel List<List<Float>>

sampler NoiseSampler

factor Float

Default: 1.0

frequency Float

Default: 1.0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Treats a 2D sampler as a heightmap, converting it to a 3D SDF for use as a terrain sampler.

base Float - The base y level of the terrain.

sampler NoiseSampler - The sampler to be used as a heightmap.

Default: `CONSTANT`_ sampler

scale Float - Scales the height of the heightmap.

Default: 1.0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

sampler NoiseSampler

gain Float

Default: 0.5

lacunarity Float

Default: 2.0

octaves Integer

Default: 3

weighted-strength Float

Default: 0.0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

sampler NoiseSampler

gain Float

Default: 0.5

lacunarity Float

Default: 2.0

octaves Integer

Default: 3

ping-pong Float

Default: 2.0

weighted-strength Float

Default: 0.0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

sampler NoiseSampler

gain Float

Default: 0.5

lacunarity Float

Default: 2.0

octaves Integer

Default: 3

weighted-strength Float

Default: 0.0


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Redistributes the range [min, max] to [-1, 1], typically for use with weighted pools.

max Float

min Float

sampler NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Remaps values using a cubic spline defined according to a set of points and gradients.

points List<CubicSplinePoint>

sampler NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Returns the result of evaluating an expression that uses samples provided by the input sampler.

expression Expression - An expression utilizes the in variable (short for ‘input’).

The in variable is calculated by the result of passing the coordinates of the current sampler to the provided input sampler.

sampler NoiseSampler

functions Map<String, MathFunction> - An additional mappping of named math functions that can be used in the expression.

Default: {}

samplers Map<String, DimensionApplicableSampler> - An additional mappping of named noise samplers that can be used in the expression.

Default: {}

This probably won’t be too useful as expression does not expose access to x, y, or z variables. This behaviour may be changed in the future.

variables Map<String, Float> - An additional mapping of named constant variables that can be used by the expression.

Default: {}

This is a convenience short hand version of the EXPRESSION sampler which you should refer to for more info.

For example the following sampler:

expression: (noise(x, z) + 3) / 2
    dimensions: 2
    type: WHITE_NOISE

Can be simplified to:

expression: (in + 3) / 2


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Outputs max when the sampler outputs a value greater than max, and returns min when the sampler outputs a value less than min, used to constrain sampler outputs to a certain range.

max Float

min Float

sampler NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Redistributes normally distributed outputs to be evenly distributed.

mean Float

sampler NoiseSampler

standard-deviation Float

groups Integer

Default: 16384


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Redistributes the range [-1, 1] to [0, 1], typically used in cases where it’s easier to work with values from 0 to 1, e.g defining a threshold as a percentage of a noise sampler.

sampler NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Evaluates sampler() * amplitude.

amplitude Float

sampler NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Applies a step function to the sampler, where steps determines how many steps will be within the range [-1, 1].

sampler NoiseSampler

steps Integer


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Evaluates left() + right().

left NoiseSampler

right NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Evaluates left() - right().

left NoiseSampler

right NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Evaluates left() * right().

left NoiseSampler

right NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Evaluates left() / right().

left NoiseSampler

right NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Evaluates max(left(), right()).

left NoiseSampler

right NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Evaluates min(left(), right()).

left NoiseSampler

right NoiseSampler


*Type requires the ‘config-noise-function’ addon to use

Evaluates an arbitrary user defined expression as the sampler output. Expression samplers additionally allow the use of user defined functions, including other samplers, as well as constants defined within the sampler.

expression Expression

The expression to be evaluated for each sample. Variables x, y (3D only), and z act as the sampler’s coordinate inputs.

Expression example

expression: (x * 3) / z

functions Map<String, MathFunction>

Default: {}

Defines a mapping of function names to user-defined math functions. Functions may be called within the expression like so <name>(<arg 1>, <arg 2>, ...), where <name> is the declared function name, and where each input coorresponds to the argument list defined by the function.

Example defining functions

        - a
        - b
        - c
    expression: (a + b) / c

samplers Map<String, DimensionApplicableSampler> - Defines a mapping of function names to samplers.

Default: {}

Each sampler may be utilized within the expression like so: <name>(<x>, <z>) (for 2D) or <name>(<x>, <y>, <z>) (for 3D), where <name> is the declared function name, and where the respective axis coordinates are the coordinate inputs passed to the sampler.


Samplers defined within an EXPRESSION sampler must be DimensionApplicableSamplers, see the DimensionApplicableSampler section for details.

Example defining samplers

    dimensions: 2
    type: WHITE_NOISE

variables Map<String, Float>

Default: {}

Defines a mapping of variable names to values for use in the scope of the expression. This is most useful for providing named constants that can easily be modified if needed.

Example defining variables

  a: 1
  b: 2
Example Expression Samplers
Simple addition

expression: 1 + 1

The sampler above outputs the result of 1 plus 1, therefore the sampler will always output 2.

Using variables

  a: 1
  b: 2

expression: a - b

The sampler above outputs the result of a minus b, which is evaluated as 1 minus 2, therefore the sampler will always output -1.

Using functions

      - a
      - b
      - c
    expression: (a + b) / c

expression: addThenDivide(3, 2, 10)

The sampler above outputs the results of passing 3, 2, and 10 into the function addThenDivide(). This function evaluation would be (3 + 2) / 10, or 3 + 2 = 5, then 5 / 10 = 0.5. Therefore the sampler will always output 0.5.

Using coordinates

expression: x + z

The sampler above will output the result of adding the x coordinate and the z coordinate. For example, if Terra wanted to sample a block where x = 4, and z = 2, that sample would return 4 + 2 or 6 for that block.

Using samplers

    dimensions: 2
    type: WHITE_NOISE

expression: whiteNoise(2, 5)

The sampler above will output the result of a 2D WHITE_NOISE sampler when passed the coordinates X = 2 and Z = 5.

Combining everything

  someConstant: 3
  anotherConstant: 2.5

      - a
      - b
    expression: a + b

    dimensions: 2
    type: WHITE_NOISE

expression: |
  exampleSampler(x * 2, z * 2) +
  add(someConstant, anotherConstant)

The expression sampler above defines:

  • Two variables someConstant and anotherConstant, which are 3 and 2.5 respectively.

  • A 2 argument function exampleFunction(), that simply adds the two arguments together.

  • A 2D sampler exampleSampler().

  • An expression that:
    • Evaluates exampleSampler() using:
      • x coordinate multiplied by 2 as the X coordinate, and

      • z multiplied by 2 as the Z coordinate.

    • Evaluates add() using:
      • 3 (defined by someConstant) as the a argument, and

      • 2.5 (defined by anotherConstant) as the b argument.

    • Adds the result of add() or 5.5 to the exampleSampler() evaluation.

    • Outputs the final result.


*Type requires the ‘library-image’ addon to use

Outputs a channel from a color sampler.

color-sampler ColorSampler - The color sampler to extract channel values from.

normalize Boolean - If the channel should be normalized to range [-1, 1] or not.

Default: true

premultiply Boolean - Whether to multiply color channels by the alpha channel or not.

Default: false

If you are expecting pixel transparency to reduce the output value then this should be set to true.


*Type requires the ‘library-image’ addon to use

Returns the result of a distance transform on an image.

image Image

channel Channel


clamp-to-max-edge Boolean

Default: false

cost-function String

Default: Channel

Valid values:

  • Channel

  • Threshold

  • ThresholdEdge

  • ThresholdEdgeSigned

invert-threshold Boolean

Default: false

normalization String

Default: None

Valid values:

  • None

  • Linear

  • SmoothPreserveZero

threshold Integer

Default: 127


Used by 45 parameters: