*Config type requires the ‘config-biome’ addon to use

This config type creates instances of Biome.

extends List<String> - A list of other BIOME configs to copy parameters from.

Parameters from extended configs are only used if they have not already been defined in the current config. Configs listed first take precedence. This allows for re-use of parameters across multiple config files.

id String - An identifier used to reference this config from other configs.

The instance of Biome created by a config using this config type is identified using this parameter.

color Integer

tags Set<Tag>

vanilla PlatformBiome

*Parameters require the ‘chunk-generator-noise-3d’ addon to use

The following parameters are only applicable if generator in pack.yml is set to NOISE_3D

palette List<Map<Palette, Integer>>

terrain.sampler NoiseSampler

terrain.sampler-2d NoiseSampler

carving.update-palette Boolean

Default: false

ocean.level Integer

Default: 0

ocean.palette Palette

Default: Palette of air

slant List<SlantLayer>

Default: []

slant-depth Integer

Default: Infinity

terrain.blend.distance Integer

Default: 3

terrain.blend.step Integer

Default: 4

terrain.blend.weight Float

Default: 1.0

terrain.blend.weight-2d Float

Default: 1.0

*Parameters require the ‘generation-stage-feature’ addon to use

features.<stage id> List<Feature>

A list of features to generate within this biome during the feature generation stage specified by <stage id>.

Available feature stages are defined in pack.yml.