
*Config object requires the ‘library-image’ addon to use

This page contains the different ways of defining how an image should be loaded for use in other configurations requiring the Image type.


Different types of Image provide different behaviours and may have additional parameters for configuring that behavior.

The type is specified by setting the type parameter to the name of the type. If the same name is used by two different addons, you can prefix the name with ADDON_NAME: to specify which one to use.

A list of available types for Image are listed below:


Loads a singular image. For very large images that you may have issues loading, try the STITCHED_BITMAP type instead.

columns Integer

path-format String - Path to the image relative to the config pack directory. (For Windows users: Use the / directory separator instead of \)

rows Integer

zero-indexed Boolean

Default: false


An alternate way of loading Image s via a set of smaller images arranged in a grid that are ‘stitched’ together during generation. This type is primarily used when singular images are too large to be loaded into memory (a limit imposed Java’s BufferedImage class implementation).

columns Integer - How many columns of images to stitch together.

path String - The format string for the path to the images relative to the config pack directory. (For Windows users: Use the / directory separator instead of \)

The file name section of the path format must contain the text {row} and {column} indicating the sections of the file names that indicate which rows and columns the files belong to.

Given the following example image files in the pack directory to be stitched into one image:

├── pack.yml
├── images
┆   └── stitched-image/
        ├ my-image-0-0.png
        ├ my-image-0-1.png
        ├ my-image-1-0.png
        └ my-image-1-1.png

The path-format to stitch together the images would be:

path-format: images/stitched-image/my-image-{row}-{column}.png

rows Integer - How many rows of images to stitch together.

zero-indexed Boolean

Default: false

Should be set to true if the image row and column indexes begin at 0.


Used by 3 parameters: